The Bloggers Guide to Arctic Finland presents the Nordic region, the land, the climate, the seasons, the natural ingredients, the food, the people, and the challenges that come with the territory.
Lapland, Norway, and Finland. Wild lemmings in the natural wilderness of the Nordic Lapland. They are almost everywhere where there is some ground cover and protection from predators. Some of them will give out a warning call when approaching close to them; often, it is by their warning call that you find them.
Nature Camouflaged Lemmings
Their furry coat is well camouflaged for the vegetation where they live; different shades of brown and black make them blend into the environment. While walking in the bush, I was often abrupt-ed by a loud squeal of a lemming close by me, looking around to see where it was, where the sound had come from; it was most times right beneath me in the tusks of grass or hiding among the growing lichen. The lemmings seem to give a warning signal to the other lemmings close by.
Wild Lemmings are noticed by the warning call they give to other lemmings. Most of the time, when I spotted a lemming, it was after the lemming had made a loud warning squeal. Only once or twice did I detect a lemming when it was out crossing a road or running past the open back door in the backyard. In the forest, there was good ground cover for them to hide; predator birds and foxes hunted them.
Wild Lemmings in the wilderness. Lemmings’ presence in the Nordic wilderness varies from year to year; not every year is equal; there are seasons when there are many times more wild lemmings to be seen, so much so that it is impossible to miss them while bush walking in the Nordic wilderness. During my visit in 2011 to Karigasniemi Lapland in north Finland, the abundance of wild lemming was most apparent, and there were lots of them everywhere northwest of the town towards Lake Inari.
Many of us are dreamers, in 2018 become doers. Make your thoughts actions and become pursuers. Don’t make resolutions without an action plan. The secret to success is right in your hands.
Thomas Edison discovered more than 1000 ways, to not invent a bulb of light, But eventually, through perspiration, he found the solution to get it just right. If he had stopped at nine hundred ninety-nine, You’d be reading in the dark, and might miss a line.
Take the first step, do something outrageous, The act of doing, will become quite contagious. Accomplishments will come closer each day, Don’t just wish, but act and pray!
Don’t let pride ever cause you to stumble, Baby steps are still progress and keep us humble. It’s better to move slowly then to turn or hide, Keep your eyes focused, let God be your guide.
At the end of the year, you’ll discover you’ve been moving, Much closer to the goals, you have always been pursuing. It won’t all happen on January one, But with faith, hope, and action, you will get the job done.
Ukrainian Air space Belongs to the Ukrainians is a no-brainer. However, the European Union, NATO, and United States leaders are frozen in Fear. They dare not go to the aid of Ukraine and defend Ukraine’s air space due to the Russian leadership intimidation.
Fear has bound the European Union, NATO, and the United States from defending Ukrainian sir space.
As the European Union countries and NATO watch the Russian invasion war as spectators from the sidelines, Ukrainian civilians are fighting the Russians. Including the use of Molotov cocktails.
NATO forces leadership are paralyzed as a lame duck.
NATO is watching as the civilians are fighting back the Russian invasion of Ukraine. NATO is a military organization, and they are watching from the sidelines as the Ukrainian cities and civilians are getting bombed by Scud missiles, rockets, mortars, and air bombings every day for the last 15 days.
European Union is Confused and Afraid
The countries inside the European Union will come down like a ton of bricks on a citizen if they are caught speeding parking a vehicle in the wrong spot. What about all the minute bureaucracy requirements of the European Union? Every detail must adhere to in the service of the EUROPA golden cow. EU is extreme in pedantic bureaucracy expectations and requirements of all the participant countries.
They have entirely neglected the basic commonsense, e.g., security and defense.
Legally – Who Owns the Air space over Ukraine
European Union has hundreds of legal aficionados from hundreds of Universities in Europe. So why is it that the air space over Ukraine is problematic?
Does Ukraine own the airspace over their territory or not?
The Russian jets and their scud missiles use the Ukraine air space to bomb the Ukraine civil society towns, cities, buildings, and schools. Hospitals, airports, apartment buildings, and everything else in between.
Why are the European Union and NATO allowing the Russians to use the Ukraine airspace indiscriminately and destructively?
European Union and NATO spin a lot of talks, but they are useless to rescue those being slaughtered.
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The European Union and NATO are frozen with Fear
FEAR = False Expectation Appearing Real.
Western Leaders were useless in stopping the slaughter of civilians in Syria.
Western Leaders were useless in stopping the Russian annexation of Crimea.
Western leaders were useless to stop the invasion of East Ukraine.
Western leaders were useless to stop the invasion of Ukraine in 2022.
An opportunity was given to the Russian leadership to go rogue and exploit the vacillating indecisive secular humanistic postmodern university-educated lame ducks with a Karl Marx socialist worldview.
Poignant question: Who owns the air space above European Union?
Is it the Russian?
What about Ukraine? Who owns the air space above Ukraine?
Is it Russia? No! no! no!
Soviet Union leadership’s strategic tactics provoked Fear in the people under the USSR sphere of influence, therefore paralyzing the victims. The victims then were manipulated according to the Soviet Union leader’s whims.
The spirit of Fear has no place in the leaders of military Defense. Spirit of Fear can spread like a plaque, through NATO forces and the European Union. Fear is a device that dictators use to manipulate their subjects.
Vladimir Putin took up the diabolical baton of Fear from the leaders of Soviet Union, and it is poking the European Union leaders and NATO with it.
What is the spirit of Fear that is being weaponized?
FEAR = False Expectation Appearing Real.
False expectation appearing real disables people and shuts down their cognitive powers.
How many of the Western media channels have you heard discussing the concept that the Russian President is accountable to the 144 million Russian people.
Does anyone really think that the Russian President is going to smear the face of 144 million Russian with his own effluence? What would an egotistic and ambitious Russian president do with such abhorrent act?
That will be exactly the result if the Russian president goes rogue and starts nuking some military forces or cities.
Putin will reap a worse historical blunder than Adolf Hitler if he steps out of line and causes nuclear onslaught onto the Russian Kremlin and Russian military hubs that eventually kills millions of Russian.
Then it is time for the Putin Russian leadership laundry. What was that all about?
It was all about Putin’s Obsessive Russo-centric USSR power play. Putin’s lust for the USSR power play is insatiable. Putin’s political career has gone to his head.
US former General said the following.
“Air space support can be provided by nations that are willing to go in.
“I want to remind all listeners; this air space does not belong to Russia.”
This is UKRAINIAN Air Space. And it is the president of Ukraine that is appealing for International support.
Nations should think about this.
If their nations are under assault, they want International support.
It’s their nation.
I give a lot of credit and credence to president Zelensky; he has proven to be a very courageous leader,
and I think the nations of the West have to find ways to support Ukraine”……
Well said. “I want to remind all listeners; this air space does not belong to Russia.”
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Thank you for visiting Travel Guide To Arctic Finland website and reading this Ukrainian Air Space Belongs to the Ukrainians article post. For more similar articles please do visit website.
According to the Polish Institute of National Remembrance, Soviet occupation between 1939 and 1941 resulted in the death of 150,000 and deportation of 320,000 Polish citizens.
All who were deemed dangerous to the Soviet regime were subjected to Sovietization, forced resettlement, imprisonment in labor camps (the Gulags), or murdered, like the Polish nationals in the Katyn massacre.
The Katyn massacre was prompted by NKVD chief Lavrentiy Beria’s proposal to execute all captive members of the Polish officer corps, dated March 5, 1940, approved by the Politburo of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, including its leader, Joseph Stalin and the Soviet Union foreign minister Vyacheslav Molotov.
The Number of Victims is Estimated at 22,000.
The victims were executed in the Katyn Forest in Soviet Russia, the Kalinin and Kharkiv prisons, and elsewhere. Of the total killed: about 8,000 were officers imprisoned during the 1939 Soviet invasion of Poland, 6,000 were police officers, Polish intelligentsia that the Soviets deemed to be
Would the Katyn massacre genocide and war crimes be sufficient reason to declare war on those that perpetrated the crimes against humanity?
Suppose the crime was done against Britain, the United States, France, or the Soviet Union. In that case, it is reasonable to think that such an unprovoked attack would be viewed as an insult to their nation.
The human and material loss would be sufficient reason to declare war on the perpetrators. After the Pearl Harbor battleships, Navy vessels, the human loss of 2,403 Americans’ lives, and 1,178 wounded were sufficient reasons for American leaders to declare war on Japan.
Is the American and British Western logic and reasoning at fault for declaring war on those attacking them? It is a matter of Imperialist National pride; they would defend themselves if anyone dared to attack them. The above conclusion is correct, valid, and justified war for the Imperialists. Why would it not be valid and justified for the smaller nations to do likewise? If they have the opportunity to do so.
Finland defended itself by a preemptive strike, hitting back at the war criminals, the perpetrators of the war against peace from 1939 to 1940. As a result, Finland’s military took back the territory that rightfully belonged to the 400,000 civilians inhabiting the Finnish Karelian municipality.
The Karelian civilians were forced to evacuate in 1939. On the other hand, Joseph Stalin and the USSR military Generals committed war crimes during 1939-1940; they initiated the aggressive war against peace in Poland and Finland.
The USSR was operating under the Nazi German-Soviet Pact of Aggression (1939-1941). They were committing a conspiracy against innocent civilians in the Baltic States and Finland.
Where is the whistle?
And who will blow it?
War against peace is a war crime.
Thousands of people perished due to the Nazi German-Soviet Pact of Aggression. The Soviets committed genocide in 1940, 22,000 Polish National prisoners were executed within two months. It was a deliberate movement of anarchy from the 1917 to 1939 Bolsheviks’ lawlessness worldview and Joseph Stalin’s track record of crime and extreme violence.
At the same time, France, England, and the United States were indifferent. 14 months later, they became allies with those war criminals and provided the USSR with enormous military support. The Allied forces leaders were blind or repressing the actual spiritual reality of the USSR leadership.
What were the Allied forces thinking? Of the Russian events in 1917, 1922, 1936-38, 1939 -1941? There was an enormous river of blood flowing from Russia during that period.
Did anyone in France, England, and the United States consider the Spirit of the Natural Law?
Why would they become allies with such a record of lawlessness? (1917 -1941). Where was the Creator of Life (Elohim) during those years?
The Spirit of the Natural Law was active on the planet earth. And people in the western world went to church to worship God on their Shabbat.
The moral error comes through humanism and subjective relativism. To trust one’s own mind understanding more than the principles taught in the Jewish Holy Scriptures, The Torah.
“So be careful to do as the LORD your God has commanded you; you are not to turn aside to the right or to the left. You must walk in all the ways that the LORD your God has commanded you, so that you may live and prosper and prolong your days in the land you will possess.”
Deuteronomy 5: 33 -32.
Stalin used criminal-style extortion; he threatened to continue the 1940 aggressive war and made extreme territory demands. 1940 Moscow treaty was illegal; it used the threat of war to extortion Finland territory.
The Karelian Isthmus territory had been inhabited for centuries by Finnish Karelian civilians. So why did the Allied forces punish the preemptive self-defense action of Finland in 1941 by taking the Finland government representatives to courts of law in 1945 and 1946? And jailing them with long sentences? Why?
Because the Soviet Union Joseph Stalin wanted it that way, in the same spirit as the 1939 Nazi German-Soviet Pact of Aggression.
It was the Allied force’s hypocrisy, corruption, and double standards of Victor’s justice.
But it is not good enough; it stinks to high heaven like an imperial dead carcass.
We could call it the Molotov and Stettinius Pact for the United States in 1945.
Or the Molotov and Mabane Pact for England 1945.
Or the Molotov and Pineau Pact for France 1945.
After their respective foreign ministers, they united a pact with the Soviet Union foreign minister Molotov for their united leisure of enjoying some cocktails.
Whichever the case, the Allied forces had their tail between their legs when dealing with Joseph Stalin.
And it was much easier to punish the small, the weak, and the innocent, which brought a severe war criminal to justice.
They were inconsistent with the Spirit of the Natural Law. They apply one opportunistic rule law for themselves and impose another letter of the law for other peoples. To suit their own situation and circumstance. The truth is the Imperial pride, moral corruption, and self-righteous hypocrisy.
Western Allied forces did not allow others to have the same privilege as they exercise themselves for a preemptive strike for self-defense purposes.
Here is one example of how the Allied forces hypocritically punished the small nation of Finland (population 3.1 Million) for taking a stand against the Soviet Union’s tyranny during 1939-1945.
The responsible, consistent pattern of the Finland government between 1917 to 1941 can be seen on the timeline. Considering Finland was invaded by Russia in 1707, it became a subject of the Russian Monarchy rule for 100 years.
Finland declared to be independent and free Grand Duchy of Finland Russia in 1917.
Tartu Peace agreement 1920. The treaty confirmed that the Finnish-Soviet border would follow the old border between the autonomous Grand Duchy of Finland and Imperial Russia. 1939 Nazi German-Soviet Pact of Aggression against the Baltic States, Finland, and the East Europe States.
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It was immoral and organized a criminal conspiracy.
The aggressive war against Finland November 1939-40. Extortion with threats of continued war to surrender Karelian Isthmus territory to the Soviet Union, including the city of Vyborg.
March 1940. Under further threat of war, Finland reluctantly agreed to the Soviet extortion. It ceded 10% of Finland’s total territory to the Soviets.
In June 1941, Finland took back what the Despotic Soviet leader Stalin extorted from them by the threats of continuation war. The 1920 borders of the legal Tartu Peace agreement were reached by the Finland military within two weeks.
The above history timeline between 1917 – 1940 of Finland government is law respecting and legitimate. Finland was not an aggressor. Unlike the history of Imperial England, France, Russia, Sweden, or the United States in principle. They were the aggressors and made alliances with other aggressors.
The history of the Soviet Union between 1917 – 1940 is a murderous, bloody mess. Total lawlessness and anarchy. And the Allied forces went to bed with the bloodthirsty Bolsheviks. They called Stalin the “Good Old Joe.” The Americans were naive, ignorant of the Bolshevik’s 1917 to 1941 history. The primary focal point regarding the violation of the rule of law and justice should have been the Immoral, criminal conspiracy between Joseph Stalin and Adolf Hitler.
That was a criminal conspiracy, a severe crime against the peace of the Baltic States and East Europe. The division of Poland between Germany and the Soviet Union was a severe crime against peace. It should have been stopped as a war crime there and then in 1939.
Western Utilitarian philosophy opportunities to advance themselves. If the 1939 Nazi German-Soviet Pact of Aggression had been stopped and condemned, with the support of the wider world, then the outcome would have been different.
There would not have been the aggressive war by the Soviet Union against Finland in 1939. Furthermore, there would not have been the slaughter of the 22,000 Polish nationals by the Soviets in April -May 1940.
And World War 2 would not have erupted and evolved the way it did. The Soviets would not have a partner in crime. So why was nothing said about the Soviet Union’s role in the Nazi German-Soviet Pact of Aggression conspiracy?
The American president Roosevelt did not believe it. International Red Cross had confirmed the mass graves of Polish nationals in the Katyn forest.
Roosevelt was told about the 1940 Katyn Forest massacre, but he refused to believe it. Instead, he trusted his own understanding more than those that had witnessed it.
Similarly, President Bush looked into the eyes of the ex-Soviet KGB agent and said that there was a good man in there.
“The Slovenian Summit was the first meeting between the U.S. President George W. Bush and the Russian President Vladimir Putin. It took place on June 16, 2001. At the closing press conference, in response to a question about whether he could trust Putin, Bush said, “I looked the man in the eye. I found him very straightforward and trustworthy – I was able to get a sense of his soul.” Bush’s top security aide Condoleezza Rice later wrote that Bush’s phrasing had been a severe mistake. “We were never able to escape it.”
That was a criminal conspiracy, a severe crime against the peace of the Baltic States and East Europe.
The division of Poland between Germany and the Soviet Union was a severe crime against peace. It should have been stopped as a war crime there and then in 1939.
However, the injustice gets much worse. Finland exercised her right to take preventative action against totalitarian despotic Soviet leaders in 1941. Finland drives the Soviet troops back to the legitimate borders of 1920, with the necessary military hardware supplies from Germany.
For almost three years, the borders remain stationary in the 1920 border trench positions. Finland attempts no significant new territory in the Karelian Isthmus. The 10% of the total area extorted from Finland in 1940 is claimed back.
During 1941-45, England and the United States supplied the Soviet Union with vast amounts of military equipment, planes, trucks, jeeps, clothing, boots, and food. They were directly assisting the totalitarian despotic war criminal.
Why did they assist the severe war criminal? Because the Alliance forces naïve subjective self-interest. Without respecting the guidance of the Spirit of the Natural Law.
By 1945 Germany was defeated by the United States, the British, France and pushed back from Russia by the Soviet Union forces to Berlin.
The Soviet Union’s fury and revenge burned for a time and refocused up north to punish Finland for taking back what was legal, morally, and rightfully belonged to the people of Finland.
“On June 9, 1944, the Soviet Leningrad Front launched a strategic offensive against Finnish positions on the Karelian Isthmus and the Lake Ladoga shores.
On the 21.7 km (13.5 mi)-broad breakthrough focus segment, the Red Army concentrated 3,000 guns and mortars.
In some places, the concentration of artillery pieces exceeded 200 guns for every kilometer of the front or one for every 5 m (5.5 yds).
Soviet artillery fired over 80,000 rounds along the front at the Karelian Isthmus.
On the second day of the offensive, the artillery barrages and a superior number of Soviet forces crushed the main Finnish defense line.”
“On June 25, the Red Army reached the third line of defense, the Viipuri– Kuparsaari– Taipale line (VKT line).
The decisive Battle of Tali-Ihantala began, described as the most significant battle in Nordic military history.
At the end of 1944, the Finnish Army had retreated back to the city of Vyborg to approximately the same line of defense they had held at the end of the Winter War”. …
(Encyclopedia, Continuation War 1941, 1941)
A sizeable number of civilians who had been displaced after the Winter War had moved back into Karelia during the 1941 Continuation War.
They had to be evacuated again; of the 260,000 civilians who had moved back East with the continuation of war into the Karelia, only 19 chose to remain and become Soviet citizens. Most of the Ingrian Finns, together with Votes and Izhorians living in German-occupied Ingria, were evacuated to Finland in 1943– 1944.
After the armistice, Finland was forced to return the evacuees. Soviet authorities did not allow the 55,733 Karelia returnees to settle back in Ingria and instead deported them to the central regions of the USSR.
According to Finnish historians, the casualties of the Finnish Defense Forces from 1941 to 1944 amounted to 63,204 dead or missing 158,000 wounded. A detailed list of Finnish dead is as follows: Dead and buried 33,565; Wounded, died of wounds 12,820; Dead, not buried, declared as dead 4,251; Missing, declared as dead 3,552; Died as prisoners of war 473; Other reasons (diseases, accidents, suicides) 7,932; Unknown 611.
The absurdity of the victor’s justice to further punish those who dared to stand up against the Soviet dictator Stalin and the Allied forces took the Axis powers to the courtrooms and judged them according to the victor’s justice. Moreover, threw their imperialistic Super State self-righteousness evidence at them. It was their own nationalistic short-sighted pride and arrogance, without respect for the Spirit of the Natural Law.
The Soviet Union was the other half in the Nazi German-Soviet Pact of Aggression conspiracy that caused loss of human life and damage on a massive scale in the Baltic States, East Europe, and Finland.
Then only five short years later, the USSR had morphed out of the Nazi German-Soviet Pact of Aggression, as if they were never part of it. That is corruption in England, France, the United States, and the Russian leadership.
“Metamorphosis is a biological process by which an animal physically develops after birth or hatching, involving a conspicuous and relatively abrupt change in the animal’s body structure through cell growth and differentiation. Metamorphosis is iodothyronine-induced and an ancestral feature of all chordates”.
1905. Russian rebels go through a metamorphosis and become Bolsheviks.
Russians conspicuous and relatively abrupt change in their worldview and life philosophy structure, the transformation happens through Bolsheviks propaganda.
For a time, 1905 -1922, they are the Bolshevik creatures.
Further transformation, the metamorphosis continues, and they are turned into the Soviets by Joseph Stalin.
They are marching to conquer the world for the sake of Communism.
The metamorphosis process has not stopped (1939 – 1941). On the contrary, the Soviet leadership has committed themselves to march together and live in the same hive with the Nazi German-Soviet Pact of Aggression.
The Soviets and Nazi Germany are going to pillage East Europe and Finland.
They march, pillage, and destroy life together in the Nazi German-Soviet Pact of Aggression.
Hundreds of thousands of lives are destroyed in Poland 1939, Finland from 1939 to 1940, and the Baltic States, from 1940 to 1941.
The Russian metamorphosis does not stop there.
The Russian bear of 1900 –1941, deeds of lawlessness, anarchy, genocide, war crimes, goes through a metamorphosis in the eyes of the Allied forces (England, France, United States) and now flies like a butterfly.
The red-winged butterfly with a sickle and a hammer on its wings lands on Franklin Roosevelt’s shoulder, and Winston Churchill call out., don’t move, Frank! That’s a keeper.
We can sure use that on the home front. The red-winged butterfly is so adorable in the eyes of Franklin Roosevelt and Winston Churchill.
They can’t believe the East European people’s historical facts about the Russian metamorphosis from 1900 to 1922. 1922 to 1939.
So, they refuse to believe anything outside of their immediate interest.
The Nuremberg International court is a convenient environment for the red-winged butterfly to flutter out of the window. Out of sight, out of mind. The partners in crime, Nazi German-Soviet Pact of Aggression. Their legal representatives are in the same space again; the only difference is that Joseph Stalin is in the will of Nemesis. And, Satan has pulled off the metamorphosis trick on the minds of the Allied forces.
The Russian leaders are viewed as red-winged butterfly that has changed form during the metamorphosis. Nevertheless, the Russian metamorphosis continues with the theme of global Communism.
They use their socialist philosophical influence over the other communist countries. The Berlin Blockade (June 24, 1948– May 12, 1949). Followed by the Korean War. June 25, 1950 – July 27, 1953). Vietnam War. November 1, 1955, to the fall of Saigon on April 30, 1975. Afghanistan War. December 1979 to February 1989. Russian Crimea annexation 2014. Russia engages in the Syria Civil War 2015.
At Nuremberg International court 1945 to 46, the Russian prosecutors accuse the guilty Nazi officers of their part in the 1939 Molotov & Ribbentrop Pact conspiracy. Their role in the aggressive war against peace in Poland from 1939 to 1941.
Moreover, they also falsely blame others for the damage inflicted on innocent civilians.
1940 Moscow peace agreement with Finland was criminal extortion, with threats for the war to continue if the Stalin terms of the peace agreement were not accepted and territory surrendered to the Soviets. As a result, 10% of Finland’s total land area had to surrender to the Soviets.
The 1939 Soviet aggression was the conspired criminal intent. The Imperial Western forces, England, France, the United States, and generally Europe, said nothing.
Lawlessness could dictate the course of history for millions of innocent civilians in Europe.
There were war reparations demanded by Soviet Stalin after both wars. After the 1939 to 1940 war. In the Moscow terms of peace discussions, Stalin used extortion by the threat of continuing war as leverage to get large land areas, including 3 cities.
Entire Islands, 38 municipalities. Also, wood pulp factory. Machinery from the Karelian Isthmus, 75 locomotives, and 2000 train cars was demanded by the Soviets as conditions for peace. It was appeasement for the Soviet-organized criminals.
The second lot of appeasements came in 1945. They wanted more of Finland’s territory, machinery, ships, trains, and more. And the Allied forces were complicit in the Soviet Stalin extortion on both occasions. 1940 and 1945. The Soviet demand for $ 600 million in reparations made in 1945 was reduced to $ 300 million. However, after the ceasefire, the USSR insisted that the payments should be based on 1938 prices, which doubled the amount. Stalin was a shrewd, hard-hearted, ruthless demon for the cause of the Nemesis.
Source: Victor Leinonen. A Claim For A True Worldview
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Bloggers Guide To Arctic Finland 2020 contains information in relation to when and where to go in The Arctic Finland. And most often that depends on the objective goals and intentions. Here are some thoughts to consider.
Summer natural landscapes, spring season, summer season?
Autumn season for photography and video of Lapland?
Wild-berry foraging for bilberries, wild strawberries, raspberries, lingonberries, cranberries, and cloud-berries?
Bird watching during the peak migration periods?
Freshwater fishing at the lakes and rivers?
Finland does offer specific environments seasons for specific nature experiences.
The continues four changing seasons revolve differently to other parts of the world. Summer in Finland starts in July, and is relatively short 3 months, with temperatures averaging around + 10 to + 20 C during day time. There is variation from region to region, understandably, when the South region to North is approx. 1000 kilometers and 300 km (1/3) of Finland is inside the arctic circle. The extreme recorded temperature of Finland is + 37.2 °C at Liperi, on July 29, 2010. The extreme lowest is , −51.5 °C at Kittilä, on January 28, 1999.
Every region of the world for visitor attractions have their strengths and weaknesses on the global expectations of the weather climates and environments. Long winter season in the Arctic circle for skiing, ice skating, snowboarding, fat bikes, reindeer sleigh rides, snowshoe trekking, and snowmobile safaris provide some of the best conditions and environments available. Finland is a robust competitive winter sports country, skiing, snowboarding, mountain biking, and ice hockey. It is the proximity to the northern hemisphere that sets the stage for the characteristics of the region and culture.
Other countries have attributes for summer sports and recreational activities. That is the reason Hawaii is known as the place for the pipeline big surf. Similarly, West coast of American California and Australian East coast for sun surf and sand. You won’t find good surf waves in the Gulf of Bothnia, but you do find excellent skiing and snowboarding conditions with a long season in the Lapland tundra environment. Clear skies and sunshine are limited to the spring season, that starts around February and ends in April-May. Also, the unique aspect of the Nordic region is the summer season. Nordic environments are lush with natural ingredients, wild berries, and mushrooms in the summer and autumn seasons. Nordic Lapland offers fantastic trekking opportunities in the open rolling hills of Tundra.
The Arctic environment is excellent for photography, and a fantastic way to share the unique natural Arctic environment with friends and family the rest of the world, that may not have the opportunity to physically experience the Arctic environment. The Arctic environment goes through extreme changes of the seasons, and each season is uniquely stunning to experience.
Summer to autumn experience
The climate in the Nordic Lapland summer season temperature is temperate for trekking, with open views of rolling tundra hills, bubbling fresh arctic freshwater springs, drizzling creeks, running rivers and still lakes. Brilliantly vivid colors of the ground cover in the Autumn season. There is an enormous splash of colors over the landscape, from the conifers and the deciduous trees, various deciduous wild berry shrubs, and the moss-covered ground cover. The autumn colors of Lapland are an array of green, Auburn, blue, orange, red and yellow.
Winter experience
Snow covered winter wonderland, dark days of the midwinter solstice. Calm weather and constant snowfall that may go on for days. Spring season around February opens up with longer days and sunlight. Occasionally apparent night skies with twinkling stars and at times the Northern lights show with freezing frosty mornings. Morning clear blue skies and glistening white snow with a snow crust on top that lasts for several hours.
Spring Season experience
The spring season sunshine is a pleasure to experience while back country skiing along rolling tundra hills and open country. The summer season is also fantastic in the natural environment, with the new life that springs up from a long cold winter. Bird migration is often a sure sign of the coming summer, also the new growth on deciduous trees that springs up.
Arctic photography and seasonal changes
Northern photography of the seasonal changes is a rapid sequential activity in the Arctic region, life moves very fast into a quick gear during the spring and summer seasons. There are time constrained windows of opportunity during these seasonal changes.
Nursing Assistants are a unique group of individuals who are committed to providing quality care to patients with the best possible service. They work hard to make sure their service commitments are being met. They often go the extra mile to provide patients and their families comfort. They are trained to work hard, multi-task, and assist Nurses with any emergency that arises on any given day. However, their goal is to help the sick and dying feel comfortable. Dealing with the harsh reality of dying and death can be very difficult for Nursing Assistants to deal with, especially for those new to the profession.
Dealing with the
issue of dying and death is relevant in any field of the medical profession. It
is even more common if you are working in the critical care of elderly care
facility. This issue should be taken into careful consideration before a
Nursing Assistant accepts a position in such a facility.
Since all people
view death differently, a Nursing Assistant will witness many things going on
during this time, both with the patient and with their family members. For
those who are very religious, praying, and possibly leadership figures from
their Church will be present. Others are afraid to die and fight for every last
breath trying to hold on. Respecting the wishes of the patient and the family
is significant during dying and death.
There are those Nursing Assistants who are upset when they have to deal with dying and death. They feel this is not what they signed up for. They want to help people. However, Nursing Assistants can be a great source of comfort and compassion for patients and their families during those precious last hours. Do all you can to keep the patient comfortable. Often, their mouths become very dry. Even if they don’t appear coherent, attempt to give them ongoing sips of water or ice chips, the lips may begin to crack, apply ChapStick or Vaseline to prevent soreness.
Caring for dying
patients requires you to remember details about them before they became so ill.
For example, if a patient asked to be turned often because of soreness,
continue to rotate how they are lying. Paying attention to their physical temperature
and adjusting bedding, air conditioning, and heating as needed. A person will
often become cold in the hours before death, so it is crucial to keep them as
comfortable as possible.
Some signs of death Nursing Assistants should be familiar with include the loss of muscle tone, the slowing of circulation, changes in breathing, and blurred vision. It is essential that the Nursing Assistant document such changes in the patient’s chart and immediately notify the charge nurse of the situation.
While a patient is dying, the Nursing Assistant can help make the process easier for the patient. Adequate pain medications should be administered as needed to reduce the pain. Play the music the patient enjoys. Consider reading them a favorite book or Bible passages. Sometimes they will need extra comfort, including someone to hold their hand. A Nursing Assistant can assume this role. Often, Nursing Assistants can rely on each other to help make the situation more manageable. Many employers also offer counseling services if you feel they are necessary after dealing with dying and death of one of your patients. It is often easy to become attached to patients you care for regularly. Your employer is well aware of this and will want to help you feel better in your role as a Nursing Assistant.
Thank you reading this Helping Nursing Assistants with Dying and Death article on website. Read more similar articles at this link.
Nursing Assistants
are exposed to a wide variety of events taking place in the medical and Aged
Care field. They must be aware of the importance of maintaining confidentiality
in all aspects of their job.
Nursing Assistants
are well trained in the policies and procedures of the facility. While it is essential
to follow them, it is not recommended to discuss them outside of the facility.
For example, you don’t want to provide others with confidential information
regarding evacuation and other emergency procedures. Doing so compromises the
safety of the patients and staff during a natural disaster or violent attack.
Patients requiring
care in a medical facility are to have their privacy protected. This means you
do not discuss their care or other personal information with any other person
except staff; they have an interest in the care of that patient.
Confidentiality becomes an issue when you know someone in the facility, or
someone asks you why someone else in there.
All patients have
the right to their privacy being maintained. Compromising this information is a
direct violation of every medical practice. Providing such information can
result in termination of your job, and in some cases, the loss of your Nursing
Assistant Certification.
diseases can surface in medical facilities. It is essential that you follow the
policies and procedures set in place by the particular facility your work with.
However, do not release information regarding such diseases to anyone. This
could result in a panic over the possibility of an epidemic, and lead to
patients wanting to leave the facility against medical advice.
The proper medical
staff will release information on communicable diseases to the appropriate
agencies. Often this includes the area health department. They can then help
the medical facility incorporate a plan of action to remedy the solution. The
decision might be made to share the information with the area newspapers to
allow them to protect themselves and to seek medical attention if they display
the symptoms of a communicable disease that requires treatment.
also includes other medical staff. Nursing Assistants should not be disclosing
any information they overhear among other teams in regards to a patient.
Likewise, they should not disclose any information that they hear about the
private interactions of staff. Often referred to as gossip, this violation of
confidentiality can result in poor working relationships. The result is often a
stressful work environment and patients not receiving the best care because
lines of communication are not open.
To protect
yourself, it is essential that you clearly understand the basics of
confidentiality and why it is so important in the Nursing Assistant profession.
Make sure you are fully aware of the specific policies and procedures in place
for the facility you work for before accepting employment. Besides, it is the
responsibility of the Nursing Assistant to report any violations of the
confidentiality policies and procedures to the proper person. Not doing so
makes you as much a part of the breach of confidentiality to those who are committed
to the service contract.
While it is human nature to talk and discuss things in common, make sure the information you are sharing in regards to your work is being shared with those who need to know the information. It can be humiliating enough for individuals who need to be in a medical facility without worrying about who is going to find out about what took place while they were in care.
Thank you for visiting Travel Guide To Arctic Finland website and reading this Confidentiality is a Must for Nursing Assistants article post. For more similar articles visit the following website link.
Most of us are
familiar with Nursing Assistants, but we don’t know all that is required for
them to complete their work efficiently and of the best quality. Time
restraints can often make it difficult to decide to do a job better or to get more
done. Thus, having an outstanding work ethic is of the utmost importance.
Nursing Assistants
must also have excellent communication skills. They are required to have
interactions with patients, family members, Nurses, and a variety of other
medical professionals. It is imperative that they can effectively reply and
communication that needs to take place with these various types of individuals.
It is well known
that Nursing Assistants provide primary care for patients including feeding,
bathing, and dressing. However, this is just the tip of the iceberg when you
take a look at all the various duties involved in being an active Nurse
Assistant. While the specific responsibilities will vary according to the
medical facility you work for, some are found in almost everyone.
Bathing is
generally either a shower or a bed bath, depending on the level of care the
patient requires. Personal hygiene including combing hair, brushing teeth,
applying makeup, cleaning dentures all need to be done for each patient.
Shaving is also to be taken into consideration and completed as required.
Taking patient’s
vital signs are a daily requirement of Nursing Assistants. Taking vital signs
includes temperature, pulse, respiration, and blood pressure. This information is
recorded on the patient’s chart and reviewed by the Nursing staff and other
medical professionals.
For patients
requiring assistance with eating, the routine can take 20-60 minutes depending
on the abilities of the patient and how much food they consume. The Nursing
Assistant needs to document the type of food and drink consumed and the
quantities of each on the patient’s chart. Some patients will need to take
vitamins and other nutritional supplements, also the duty of the Nursing
Assistant to administer.
It is also the duty
of the Nursing Assistant in many medical facilities to be responsible for
getting those who can feed themselves ready to be taken to the dining area. Duty
tasks may just be having their grooming done, dressing or helping to lift them
into a wheelchair and taking them to the dining area.
Nursing assistants
will need to change any bedding or other soiled materials if found on the
patient. Tasks are a case by case basis and will vary each day. While
interacting with the patient, you will need to document their behaviors. It is essential
that you notify the Nurse on duty if you see any changes that are unexpected or
not generally understood. Nursing assistants are trained to be of assistance in
aged care.
Keeping a sharp eye
for details will assist any Nursing Assistant with successfully performing all
duties. Caring for people changes because their needs change as well as those
you are caring for changes. How quickly you are caring for new patients depends
on the type of medical facility you work for.
In addition to
performing all of these essential duties, Nursing Assistants are responsible
for providing emotional support to patients and their families. This can be
helping patients feel comfortable with their surroundings, hanging a photo on
the wall for them, or helping them compose a letter. Family members may want
you to certain things for a patient, such as braid their hair daily or keep
their fingernails short.
Performing all the duties of a Nursing Assistant takes practice, dedication, organization, and a sincere desire to help others. It can be an exhausting effort on some days, and often a job no one thanks them for doing. However, for those who enjoy what they do and take pride in it, we need to stop and see all that they do in a day’s work. They provide valuable services to patients and the medical profession.
Thank you for visiting Travel Guide To Arctic Finland website and reading this article post. For similar articles visit this link.
Public school and Society can be like a canary in a coal mine, that is like the advanced warning of the future generation world view and life philosophies that future generation people believe in.
In our social
system, we often take for granted that the way our educational system set up is
the way it should be without question.
But if you look at society across the ages, turning your children over
to strangers without question to educate them in ways that are not your own is
far from the healthy way most societies bring their young up to adult level of
knowledge and skill.
If anything, the
two models that most resemble the way families educate their children
historically is home school or private school.
It’s only the advent of large cities and a move away from the
agricultural lifestyle that brought on the phenomenon of substantial public
schools as we know them. As recently as
the generation before The Baby Boomers, public education was handled at the
local level where the local community hired a teacher and brought the children
together for basic instructions under the watchful eye of the local school
Parents were far
more the authority under that system, and the idea that the teacher or the
school administration had more to say about what your child would be taught than
you do was as ridiculous as the idea that the grocery clerk could tell you what
food you could or could not buy.
This early model of
private school is more in step with the way most of our social support systems
work. We, by and large, maintain a capitalist
society where people are allowed to do work for us as long as they conform to
our expectations. The employee doesn’t
tell the employer what they can expect, and the employer is not denied access
to the process as it often the case in public schools.
Now to say that
public schools “kidnap” our children and “indoctrinates” them into some strange
alien way of thinking is overly dramatic.
To be practical, most local school systems are looking after the best
interest of the children. The primary
education of the kids in the core disciplines (reading, writing, and
arithmetic) still is the reason for existing for most public schools.
But some abuses
crop up in virtually every public-school system that often aggravates
parents. The very fact that the private
school movement has been such a success is a testimony to the fact that public
schools are not serving the needs of all of the children and their families who
pay taxes for such service, so those parents must seek other alternatives for
their children.
It is unfair if you
think about it because of the almost “socialist” way that public schools are
run. Funding for public schools is
usually enabled by taxation. But many
who pay into the system do not benefit from it because they do not have
children, and they don’t have a say in whether they approve of the order or
want to see it changed. Furthermore, if
a family decides to take their child out of the public schools and pay for
private school, they have to continue to support the public schools with their
taxes and in effect, pay for two school systems, one of which failed to serve
their needs.
Looking at the differences between public and private schools in this way doesn’t solve anything. For the time being, the situation is not likely to change. The most important thing is that your child gets the best education possible, and the decision you must make between public and private schools for your kid’s sake must look away from the unfairness of the system as it works today. But it is helpful to look at the system this way so we can work as a society to make things better over time. That is our job as parents and as citizens as well.
When you talk to many
parents, its amazing how many consider the public-school system to be the only
option for getting a quality education for their children. It seems that this limited view of knowledge
would have fallen by the wayside by now with so many options for getting your
kids through school. But that is how
effective the government-sponsored public schools have been at maintaining the
myth that they are the only way to go and that public school is the end all and
be all of education for kids like yours and mine.
When it comes to
private school, there is another myth or misconception that we would do well
with dumping. That the image of private
school is only for the super-rich and that they are full of snooty prep school
girls and boys who are dropped off by chauffeurs and spend their summers in the
south of France. This concept that to
move your child to a private school somehow makes you a “snob” is worth
discarding so that all of us can have options to consider rather than being
trapped into the tyranny of enduring whatever the public school system tells us
we must face.
All you have to do
to overcome this conception you might have that you have to be a snob to take
advantage of private schools is take a day and visit a handful of schools in
your area. You will find that the
variety and diversity of schools are genuinely amazing. But more importantly, you will see that the
kids in private schools are just like your kids, that the cars their moms and
dads drive are the same kind you drive and that ordinary people just like you
and I take advantage of the higher quality education and the better educational
experience that is available for kids in private school.
Whether or not you
keep your kids in public school or send them to private schools should not be a
matter of economic status or whether you fit in any particular social
circle. While there are many good things
about public school, the fact is that public school is not for every child and
not a good fit for the educational goals of every family. And if you did take some time to visit
several popular private schools in your area, you may find that there are kids
of families you know using those facilities and kids who would provide a good
peer group for your child if you did move her to a private facility for the
next phase of her education.
We tend to view
private schools as being the enemy of public school, but that is also to some
extent a myth. In many ways private
schools are an excellent supplement to provide high-quality educational options
for individual niche students that the public schools cannot serve as
well. Public school is, after all, an
institution set up to serve the entire community of school-age children. This is a big challenge, so the school
administration has to put the majority of their resources and energies into
managing the education of that large group of “average” students.
But many students
benefit from the smaller environment and specialized skills and focus areas
that private schools can afford to take care of their needs. That includes children with special needs
such as educational or physical challenges.
But it also includes children who are high achievers in specific areas
such as the sciences, mathematics or the performing arts. Private schools can also provide an isolated
environment for families who want an education built around a faith-based
curriculum, which is just not possible in a public school setting.
So there is no reason to shy away from considering private school along with all of your other educational options for your child. If you do discuss private school and then decide to take advantage of the services they offer, you are joining thousands of other families who are benefiting from the diversity of educational options we have at our disposal today. And in doing so, you are in no way becoming a “snob”. You are just a good parent by giving your child the best education possible. And nobody would fault you for that noble desire.
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