Ukrainian Air Space Belongs to the Ukrainians

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Ukrainian Air space Belongs to the Ukrainians is a no-brainer. However, the European Union, NATO, and United States leaders are frozen in Fear. They dare not go to the aid of Ukraine and defend Ukraine’s air space due to the Russian leadership intimidation.

Fear has bound the European Union, NATO, and the United States from defending Ukrainian sir space.  

As the European Union countries and NATO watch the Russian invasion war as spectators from the sidelines, Ukrainian civilians are fighting the Russians. Including the use of Molotov cocktails.

NATO forces leadership are paralyzed as a lame duck.

NATO is watching as the civilians are fighting back the Russian invasion of Ukraine. NATO is a military organization, and they are watching from the sidelines as the Ukrainian cities and civilians are getting bombed by Scud missiles, rockets, mortars, and air bombings every day for the last 15 days.

European Union is Confused and Afraid

The countries inside the European Union will come down like a ton of bricks on a citizen if they are caught speeding parking a vehicle in the wrong spot. What about all the minute bureaucracy requirements of the European Union? Every detail must adhere to in the service of the EUROPA golden cow. EU is extreme in pedantic bureaucracy expectations and requirements of all the participant countries.

They have entirely neglected the basic commonsense, e.g., security and defense.

Legally – Who Owns the Air space over Ukraine

European Union has hundreds of legal aficionados from hundreds of Universities in Europe. So why is it that the air space over Ukraine is problematic?

Does Ukraine own the airspace over their territory or not?

The Russian jets and their scud missiles use the Ukraine air space to bomb the Ukraine civil society towns, cities, buildings, and schools. Hospitals, airports, apartment buildings, and everything else in between.

Why are the European Union and NATO allowing the Russians to use the Ukraine airspace indiscriminately and destructively?

European Union and NATO spin a lot of talks, but they are useless to rescue those being slaughtered.  


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The European Union and NATO are frozen with Fear

FEAR = False Expectation Appearing Real.

  1. Western Leaders were useless in stopping the slaughter of civilians in Syria.
  2. Western Leaders were useless in stopping the Russian annexation of Crimea.
  3. Western leaders were useless to stop the invasion of East Ukraine.
  4. Western leaders were useless to stop the invasion of Ukraine in 2022.

An opportunity was given to the Russian leadership to go rogue and exploit the vacillating indecisive secular humanistic postmodern university-educated lame ducks with a Karl Marx socialist worldview.    

Poignant question:  Who owns the air space above European Union?

Is it the Russian?

What about Ukraine? Who owns the air space above Ukraine?

Is it Russia?    No! no! no!

Soviet Union leadership’s strategic tactics provoked Fear in the people under the USSR sphere of influence, therefore paralyzing the victims. The victims then were manipulated according to the Soviet Union leader’s whims.

The spirit of Fear has no place in the leaders of military Defense. Spirit of Fear can spread like a plaque, through NATO forces and the European Union.   Fear is a device that dictators use to manipulate their subjects.

Vladimir Putin took up the diabolical baton of Fear from the leaders of Soviet Union, and it is poking the European Union leaders and NATO with it.

What is the spirit of Fear that is being weaponized?

FEAR = False Expectation Appearing Real.

False expectation appearing real disables people and shuts down their cognitive powers.

How many of the Western media channels have you heard discussing the concept that the Russian President is accountable to the 144 million Russian people.

Does anyone really think that the Russian President is going to smear the face of 144 million Russian with his own effluence? What would an egotistic and ambitious Russian president do with such abhorrent act?

That will be exactly the result if the Russian president goes rogue and starts nuking some military forces or cities.

Putin will reap a worse historical blunder than Adolf Hitler if he steps out of line and causes nuclear onslaught onto the Russian Kremlin and Russian military hubs that eventually kills millions of Russian.     

Then it is time for the Putin Russian leadership laundry. What was that all about?

It was all about Putin’s Obsessive Russo-centric USSR power play. Putin’s lust for the USSR power play is insatiable. Putin’s political career has gone to his head.

US former General said the following.

“Air space support can be provided by nations that are willing to go in.

“I want to remind all listeners; this air space does not belong to Russia.”

This is UKRAINIAN Air Space. And it is the president of Ukraine that is appealing for International support.

Nations should think about this.

If their nations are under assault, they want International support.

It’s their nation.

I give a lot of credit and credence to president Zelensky; he has proven to be a very courageous leader,

and I think the nations of the West have to find ways to support Ukraine”……

Well said. “I want to remind all listeners; this air space does not belong to Russia.”


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